2011. augusztus 26., péntek


Would like to play a SNAKE BENONI Thematic Game - or play an organized email chess tournament ?!
You are at the right place - pls. send a mail to snakebenoni@gmail.com

Planning to organize "SIMPLE SNAKE Tournaments" for 5 players - 4 games each.
2 games with white and 2 games with black.
Email chess tournament - PGN notation - Time controll: 30days for 10 moves
Send mail if you want to play. (snakebenoni@gmail.com)

Planning to organize "DOUBLE SNAKE Tournaments" for 4 players - 6 games each.
3 games with white and 3 games with black.
Email chess tournament - PGN notation - Time controll: 30days for 10 moves.
Send mail if you want to play. (snakebenoni@gmail.com)

Planning to organize "GIANT SNAKE Tournaments" for 10+ players - 9+ games each.
To be the GIANT SNAKE Champion.
Email chess tournament - PGN notation - Time controll: 30days for 10 moves.
Send mail if you want to play. (snakebenoni@gmail.com)

Planning to organize "SNAKE Thematic Games"
One game with white and one game with black - same time.
Email chess tournament - PGN notation - Time controll: 30days for 10 moves.
Send mail if you want to play. (snakebenoni@gmail.com)